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"You can not know the good within yourself if you can not see it in others."

Our proceeds reinvest into schools that are underfunded and underserved. Click here


My ancestors' legacy

Artist and teacher Ackim Mpofu present to you KHIZE. Growing up in the outskirts of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in Kezi, Ackim has been fortunate to have a global experience and bring his traditional Zulu/Ndebele art experience to the world. KHIZE named after his great great grandmother uses the philosophy of Ubuntu to look into the past to find answers for the future. Ubuntu as it translates I am because you are and you are because we are helping raise awareness and consciousness of our responsibility to ourselves, the relationships we build, and the communities we are involved in.


As a passionate teacher, Ackim's art brand looks to reinvest in the social-emotional wellness of students by providing resources to schools that are underfunded and underserved. Click here for more info




The abstract pieces are influenced by Ackim's upbringing under the Ndebele and Zulu people in Zimbabwe. This introduces his individuality and what his future projects will be influenced by. The geometric patterns are part of the writing system that is used for all IsiNtu languages of the region of Azania /!Naremâb is thought to be more efficient than the colonial Latin/Roman alphabets currently learned in schools, according to research on reading speeds here.

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